Sellers Policy

1. Products and Quality

1.1 Allowed Categories

The platform is dedicated to fashion products such as clothing, accessories, hair care, and body care products. Products must fall within these categories.

1.2 Quality Standards

  • Merchants must ensure the quality of offered products and compliance with specified quality standards.

1.3 Genuine Products

Merchants must ensure that all products sold on the platform are genuine and not counterfeit and match the written description.

2. Marketing and Description

2.1 Clear Descriptions

Merchants should provide clear and accurate descriptions of products, including sizes, clothing materials, and features.

Merchants will be notified through notifications

2.2 Promotional Offers

Bazar have the right to present promotional offers and discounts, specifying their terms and validity periods.
Merchants will be notified through notifications.

3. Shipping and Delivery Policies

3.1 Shipping Times

Merchants must clarify expected shipping times and adhere to them.

3.2 Correct Addresses

Merchants commit to providing efficient shipping services and confirming delivery addresses.

4. Payment and Refund Policies

4.1 Payment Methods

The merchant adheres to the payment policies activated on the platform.
The platform offers cash on delivery service.
The platform provides bank card payment services.
The platform provides payment services using electronic wallets.
The merchant bears commissions for transfers and payment gateways.

Profits are suspended until 14 days after the customer receives the product.
Profits are withdrawn on the 15th day after the customer receives the order.
Profits are withdrawn without any limit.
Profits are transferred via bank transfer, InstaPay, or electronic wallets.

4.2 Refund Policies

The merchant is committed to the return and exchange policy applicable on the platform, which is compatible with the Egyptian consumer protection conditions.

5. Secure Purchases

5.1 Protection of Personal Information

The platform and merchants are obligated to safeguard customer information and handle it confidentially.

Merchants are prohibited from dealing with customers outside the Bazaar platform.

6. Compliance with Laws

6.1 Legal Compliance

Merchants and the platform are committed to complying with all relevant Egyptian laws and regulations.

6.2 Identification documents

The merchant must provide identification documents
A copy of the ID card
A copy of the commercial register and tax card (if available)

These additional policies aim to enhance the overall customer experience, promote fair business practices, and ensure the authenticity and quality of products on the platform.

Elegance Bazar Management.
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